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I Choose Life!

Life is funny - and amazing - you never know what it's going to throw at you next and what path it's going to lead you down. Almost 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and since then I have been on an incredible journey - I can't believe how much has happened and how much I've changed since then! This blog is about sharing my continuing story of claiming my life back, in the hope I can help others too.

I needed to be able to turn what I considered at the time to be an awful situation, that could have ruined my life, into a good thing. I wasn't prepared to let it decrease the value of my life.

Winston Churchill once famously said - 'if you're going through hell, keep going'. And this is exactly what I did. I kept going. And I read, and researched, and discovered, and read some more. I wanted to find out as much as I could about this condition and about the mind and mental health - knowledge is power right? On the way down this path I not only found many ways to manage my mental health but I also got to know my own mind and body better than I ever have before. Its an enlightening experience!

Although recovery and continued well-being takes a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment, I am now thankful for my struggle, as without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength.

I know for sure I will still get very low and very high in life, but I've finally been able to accept the fact that sensitive is just how I was made, that I don't have to hide it and I don't have to fix it. I'm not broken. If anything I believe this has enhanced my life. Had I not had my diagnosis then I wouldn't have been on this continuing journey of discovery. I honestly believe that we are all exactly who, what and where we are supposed to be at every given time in life. I would even go as far to say that I feel blessed. Although it is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply!

I'm stronger now because I have had to be, I'm smarter because of the mistakes I've made and I'm happier because of the sadness I've known. But the best thing is that I'm now wiser because of all I have learnt.

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude determines how your life will become. Positive people visit the dark side at times, we just don't move in! What a wonderful thought it is that some of our best days haven't happened yet?!

And if I could tell you one thing it would be: You are never as broken as you think you are. Sure, you may have a couple of scars and a few bad memories, but all great heroes do.

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